♪ Pa-pum ♪
The map says it's not that far.
We just need to get to the Sea of the Castout.
The great Archmage Akiyu, a Tidebound Elf, built the magical prison.
If Akiyu made it, then she must know where it is.
The prison is right there,
precisely in the middle of the Sea of the Castout.
Good thing we know someone who can get us there
at the speed of dragon.
Anyway, I'm sure she's fine. She'll be here.
We need to beat Viren and Claudia to the Sea of the Castout.
And without Zubeia.
That means we need transportation.
- So, is this the place? - No.
Well, it's a place that will take us to another place.
And from that place, we'll find a way to the place we're going.
Is this a creepy whistling battle?
'Cause I don't think we can outcreep this guy.
- Where'd you get that? - Long story.
So we're just doing this?
We're getting on the spooky boat?
I've got no problem with "spooky." Just "boat."
There's some stuff you should know about where we're going.
When I was out searching for Viren,
I had to look high and low, and this was the lowest.
There aren't really laws here.
This is a place where crooks and outcasts trade shady goods for shadier prices.
Welcome to Bright Hope Cove or, as most call it...
Okay. We're going to have to blend in.
Act like you belong.
Ooh, alter ego. I got this.
I'll be Smort Longpocket.
Very handsome and very rich trader from the far west.
And I'll be your bodyguard, Glint Zaphand.
Heh, Smort doesn't need a bodyguard.
I mean, look at Smort.
Okay, how about we just try not to draw any attention at all?
Ezran, that means taking off your crown.
- What? - Not many kings come through Scumport.
Let's go.
Sea leviathan meat and bones, fresh caught.
Grill it, fry it, or make 12 tons of sea-monster ceviche,
crispy, delicious leviathan and chips,
or a thousand filet-o-leviathan sandwiches.
Do I hear a starting bid?
Stembolts. Get yer stembolts here, all self-sealing.
Bees. Smoke bees by the barrel, sellin' fast.
Oils! Get your necessary oils here.
You absolutely gotta have these oils.
But, Rayla, I need those oils.
They have lavender.
We're only here to do one thing, find a boat.
Maybe we can hitch a ride with a captain heading south.
What about this one? It looks nice.
Oh, no, no, no. That one's off limits.
- Why? - That one belongs to Finnegrin.
He's kind of the unofficial boss of this place,
but he's not known for doing favors out of the goodness of his heart.
It's not a favor.
The fate of the world is at stake.
I'm going to go talk to him.
I'll go with Ezran while you and Soren try the docks.
Fine. We'll meet back here, but let's be quick.
There's no telling how far Claudia and Viren are ahead of us right now.
- Dragon. - Another one?
Get to the shore.
Third one today.
No. That was the same dragon as last time. It's stalking us.
You know, I'm starting to take this personally.
Nobody sees the boss unannounced.
Please, it's important. We're on a mission that can't wait.
This glow toad yours?
Uh, yes? This is Bait. Say hi, Bait.
Bait. Good name.
Ha! Very funny.
You can see the boss.
But only you.
Squid, sails, and a hammerhead's tail.
This is fine.
I'll just wait out here and get to know my new friend.
We are not friends.
I'm not best known for hospitality.
Don't usually like uninvited guests.
But the waves be gentle today, and so is my mood.
Name's Finnegrin.
What can I do for you, lad?
I'm Ezran, king of Katolis.
I've come to your fair port because I need a ship.
My friends and I are racing to stop a great evil before it's too late,
and time is running out. Can you help us?
You say you're a king, eh? Then where's your crown?
It's made of steel. It's worthless.
It's not worthless, it's really important to me.
It's made from my father's sword.
Sentiment's worth even less than steel here, lad.
Don't look so sour.
King or peasant, don't matter to me
so long as you're offering something of value.
But I don't have anything else.
Oh, come now, I don't think that's true.
Come here, look.
See that ship?
She's the fastest in my fleet. Well, second fastest.
I'd name you her captain for the right price.
I'll give you the ship for that glow toad.
Ho there, captain.
My friends and I are looking for a ship to take us south.
We'll pay for our passage with hard labor, ha-ha!
Look at these... muscles.
Come on, just one little boat ride.
Do it for him?
One boat ride, and you'll give me the baby dragon?
No, that's not...
You're just supposed to do it because he's sweet and adorable and needs help.
What? No. What could you possibly want with Bait?
It's not really the glow toad I want, it's what I'll catch with it.
Sea leviathans, lad.
With this one on my line,
I wager I could reel in the biggest leviathan in the eastern sea.
Imagine the gold that could fetch.
No. He's my friend.
Hmm, you drive a hard bargain. Fine.
I'll give you the ship for half the glow toad.
But I choose which half.
All right, all right. Let me sweeten the deal.
On your way.
What's in here may not be of much value today,
but I think you'll see the potential for growth.
In time, it'll be worth three times the value of your glow toad friend.
Ugh, what is it with this place?
I grew up with assassins, and they weren't half as cutthroat as these people.
Rayla, our troubles are behind us. I found the perfect captain.
Mm, I doubt that, but go on.
Okay, okay. He's got a boat.
Good start.
The sails are a bit patchy, but she's otherwise sea-worthy.
He's got a parrot.
Bit of a loud mouth, actually.
Talked my ear off about waterproof socks, heh.
Oh, oh, and the last thing is,
and I'm asking you not to judge here
because I know you're judgy, he's, uh...
- He's blind, isn't he? - Oh, how did you know?
Where did you go?
Maybe it's finally gone?
I am so tired of running.
Okay, well, after this, we'll take a nice long break.
Claudia, don't.
Well? Did you find a captain?
The perfect captain.
Villads! What are you doing here?
I been expandin' my horizons since the Border opened up.
Plenty of new opportunities in Xadia.
Mostly legal.
Heard you're in need of another daring and dangerous sea voyage.
Ha, ha! Captain Villads at your service.
So you'll take us south to the Sea of the Castout?
'Bout to leave port anyway,
just as soon as me new First Mate gets back from the market.
So we found our boat and we found our captain.
We'll be out of here before you can say--
We can't leave yet.
Finnegrin has something he shouldn't, and we're going to steal it.
Oh, you're squeezed in there tight.
Due for an upgrade, aren't ye?
- Sir. You have another-- - Deadwood.
Get this one a bigger shell.
Something roomier, but not lacking in style.
Aye, sir. You have another visitor.
Says he's here on "really big business."
Fine, fine. Send him in.
And who might you be?
Name's Smort Longpocket. Nice port you got here.
A little small for my taste, but love the vibe.
word around the market is that you're the type of guy who likes doing business.
Big business.
Legal or not legal.
You heard right.
Now I've got some goods on my ship that I think might interest you.
Goods I got by doing crimes.
What goods exactly are you sellin'?
Let's just say these goods are so good, they should call them "greats."
What do you say you and I take a walk to my big business boat
and you can see for yourself, hmm?
Fine. Show me your wares.
Of course, you understand that if you're wasting my time...
I'll never be welcome in Scumport again.
- Got it. - Quite the opposite.
Waste my time, and you'll never leave Scumport.
Lock the door, you useless hunk of flotsam.
My man, it's just a quick walk. There's no need to...
I always lock up.
Squid, sails, a hammerhead's tail.
I know how it goes.
Mm-hmm, yeah.
I bought this barrel "far and squar," matey.
Hand it over.
I sailed all the way from Evenere for these and I'm not leaving without 'em.
Unhand me barrel, ye flopsy anchovy.
- Anchovy? That's a little far-- - Unhand me barrel.
Argh, no!
Me smoke bees!
You mean me smoke bees.
Bumpsy daisy.
Back to the tower. Now!
Great job, Zym. Now how'd this go again?
Squid, sails, and a hammerhead's tail?
Woo-hoo! Yeah!
You're used to humans running away, aren't you?
Running, hiding, cowering.
All through history dragons have had the power while humans lived in fear.
Well, times are changing.
Claudia. Wait.
You don't have to do this.
It won't chase us anymore, you won, it's trapped.
You're right. It won't follow us.
But not because it's trapped.
It won't follow because it's afraid of me.
Dad. Let's go.
Go. Go. Let's go.
We did it. Soren, you're amazing.
Smort Longpocket is amazing.
Now, uh, what exactly did we do?
Gather round and prepare to be filled with a sense of "aww."
They're baby glow toads.
Aww! Three wee little Baitlings.
Wait a minute.
Didn't you say something about a first mate?
Did we leave someone back there?
Narr! Don't worry!
- She'll catch up. - Catch up?